The importance of brand identity: How a rush to sameness is watering down your brand

February 20, 2025

With advertisers shouting their praises on television, billboards, print, and digital, brand identity has never been more crucial for business success. Yet many companies fall into what brand strategists call "the rush to sameness" – a tendency to mirror competitors rather than carve out their own distinct position. This approach not only dilutes their market presence but can significantly impact their growth potential.

With advertisers shouting their praises on television, billboards, print, and digital, brand identity has never been more crucial for business success. Yet many companies fall into what brand strategists call "the rush to sameness" – a tendency to mirror competitors rather than carve out their own distinct position. This approach not only dilutes their market presence but can significantly impact their growth potential. So, why is brand identity so important?

Brand identity: More than burgers and buns.

To understand brand identity's importance, consider something as simple as a hamburger. While all burgers share basic elements – a patty and a bun – what makes one stand out from another often comes down to subtle but meaningful distinctions. Some restaurants distinguish themselves through minimal ingredients, others through specific preparation methods, and some through the precise order of assembly.

As Aaron Huskins, Brand Strategist at BrandCraft, explains: "Positioning really is that foundation of the brand. You can't really know what your tagline, what your promise, any of those things are until you know who your audience is and where you are in the marketplace."

Just as Burger King built its brand identity around flame-broiled patties – a simple distinction that became a powerful differentiator – every business needs to identify and articulate what makes them uniquely valuable to their customers.

The cost of brand identity confusion.

Recent studies indicate that companies with a strong brand identity consistently outperform their less-defined counterparts. According to industry research, businesses with well-defined brand identities see 23% higher revenue growth on average compared to those without clear positioning. This difference becomes particularly apparent during growth phases and market expansion efforts.

Why businesses struggle with brand identity.

Many businesses, especially in professional services like law, dentistry, and residential services, face common challenges when developing their brand identity:

The Sameness trap.

The most prevalent issue is what we call "the rush to sameness." Companies often look at successful competitors and attempt to mirror their messaging, services, and approach. This creates a sea of similarity where businesses become indistinguishable from one another, leaving potential clients to make decisions based solely on price or convenience rather than value.

Surface-level differentiation.

Many organizations rely on generic differentiators like "great customer service" or "qualified professionals." However, as Torey Azure of BrandCraft notes, "We try and get customers to not say 'our most unique value is customer service.' If they do say that, we really challenge them and try and break that down closer and closer to see what they mean and see if there's something else we can say instead."

Missing the core distinction.

Often, businesses overlook their truly unique attributes because they've become so ingrained in their operations. Sometimes, these distinguishing factors only emerge through detailed discussion and analysis, not through traditional brainstorming sessions.

"Positioning really is that foundation of the brand. You can't really know what your tagline, what your promise, any of those things are until you know who your audience is and where you are in the marketplace."

–Aaron Huskins

The five phases of building a strong brand identity.

Based on BrandCraft's proprietary methodology, developing a powerful brand identity involves five crucial phases:

1. Discovery

The process begins with comprehensive research and data gathering. This initial phase sets the foundation by uncovering insights that will shape your brand's strategic direction. It's about understanding not just where you are, but why you've achieved success with certain clients and not others.

2. Alignment

Through collaborative workshops, businesses refine their market position and define supporting pillars. This phase challenges assumptions and helps uncover truly unique aspects of your business that can become powerful differentiators.

3. Messaging

With clear positioning established, the focus shifts to crafting messages that resonate with your target audience. This includes developing your tagline, promise, and voice in a way that authentically represents your unique value proposition.

4. Visualization

Your visual identity should flow naturally from your messaging strategy. Every design element – from color choices to typography – should reinforce your core message and position in the market.

5. Empowerment

The process culminates in a comprehensive Brand Book that serves as both documentation and training tool, ensuring consistent application of your brand identity across all touchpoints.

Key indicators your brand identity needs attention.

Watch for these signs that indicate it's time to reassess your brand identity:

1. Growth has plateaued despite market opportunity

2. Sales conversations frequently focus on price rather than value

3. Marketing efforts yield diminishing returns

4. Customer acquisition costs are rising

5. Your team struggles to articulate what makes your business different

Moving beyond generic positioning.

To develop a strong brand identity, businesses must:

1. Look beyond surface-level differentiators

2. Challenge assumptions about what makes them unique

3. Be willing to say no to opportunities that don't align with their position

4. Invest time in understanding their most successful client relationships

5. Maintain consistency across all touchpoints

The long-term impact of strong brand identity.

A well-defined brand identity does more than help you stand out – it becomes a strategic asset that:

- Guides decision-making at all levels of the organization

- Attracts ideal clients who value your unique approach

- Reduces marketing costs by focusing efforts on receptive audiences

- Enables premium pricing based on perceived value

- Creates a framework for sustainable growth

Defining your advantage.

In today's competitive landscape, a strong brand identity isn't just about standing out – it's about creating a sustainable competitive advantage. As businesses face increasing pressure to differentiate themselves, those who invest in developing and maintaining a clear, authentic brand identity will find themselves better positioned for long-term success.

Remember, your brand is more than your logo or tagline. It's the sum of every distinction, every choice, and every interaction that makes your business uniquely valuable to your clients. By avoiding the rush to sameness and investing in developing a strong brand identity, you’ll create a foundation for sustainable growth and lasting market presence.

Check out more from BrandCraft.