Why You Need to Keep Updating Your Website

July 6, 2021

In a world where almost, everyone is digitally connected in some way, having an online presence and updated website is largely becoming a must-have for businesses. And a website is certainly one of the most common ways businesses connect with the rich and ever-growing online consumers. But let's agree; it isn't just about having a website—you need to get it right in terms of business development and growth using the website.

Why you should constantly be updating your website

Your website needs to keep up with the times, not just in looks but also in functionality. It needs to create an impressive and strong first impression on your prospects. Therefore, you shouldn't underestimate the importance of updating your website in today's highly competitive online market. Here are five reasons why you should constantly be updating your website.

#1: Improve search engine rankings

One way to determine if your website is performing well is by looking at its search engine optimization rankings. And with the constantly changing Google's search engine algorithms, it is only necessary to keep updating your website more frequently. These algorithm changes may significantly affect your search engine ranking. It's important to note that every time you update your website, Google and other search engines review your site. Plus its ranking is recalculated.

Also, on ranking, you should make it a habit to refresh your content. Users want the most current and useful information from your website. Even search engines favor recent content as it's viewed to be more relevant. Furthermore, when updating content, you should also target better-performing keywords according to the feedback or data collected.

#2: Keep pace with website design trends

The modern world keeps changing and adapting to new trends. Your customers' preferences and tastes also keep changing. In other words, what was working or trendy one year ago might not cut it today. So, the point is to stay agile with your visual outlook and design. If you don't follow the latest design trends and styles, your website traffic may start decreasing. You may also find it hard to attract new traffic and customers.

And as much as acting 'old school' may be encouraged in some niches, it doesn't cut it when it comes to website appearance and functionality. Moreover, outdated themes and designs may seem unimpressive to today's large internet users (the younger generation) and may also not be compatible with some of their favored browsers. So, you should always ensure to keep pace with the most recent trends in website designs to maintain and attract new traffic.

#3: Provide better user experience

Another reason to regularly update your website is to enable a user-friendly experience for your visitors. This may include the ease of using your website, navigation, or the general look and feel of your website. Your website should exhibit high levels of flexibility and responsiveness in aligning and adapting with users' preferences and needs.

For instance, you may have come across websites that aren't compatible with some mobile devices. Which shouldn't be the case with your website. You should ensure your website is compatible with desktop users as well as mobile users. In fact, according to Statista, more than half of site traffic was occasioned by mobile users, accounting for up to 52.2 percent of all website traffic in 2018. So, website updates will better users' experiences by enhancing the responsiveness and overall performance of your website.

#4: Enhance data security  

If you don't constantly update your website, users' information and data will be highly exposed to fraud and phishing risks. Your website also faces greater risks of hacking attacks due to out-of-date security features. Plus, when your website is hacked, it may be used for spamming, compromising data, and even online fraud or cybercrime. Here is a list of plugins our website designers recommend for security on a WordPress website.

And even though data security breaches can happen on whichever website (whether new or old), long-standing websites face greater attack risks due to their outdated data protection measures and technologies. So, by updating your website more frequently, you increase safety against data security threats and website vulnerabilities.

#5: Upgrading technology for website integration

New technologies often improve efficacy in terms of website performance, mainly through website integration and website maintenance. And in the current digital world, technology will undoubtedly keep developing and advancing for a better future. Hence, it would only be best to keep pace with the latest and most recent website updates.

These new technologies and updates will assist your website to function better. This is in terms of loading speed, ease of use, vulnerability, among other significances. For instance, an out-of-date website may not be able to match and keep pace with the constantly changing plugins, new apps, and popping integrations like content management systems.

Outdated themes or templates can also cause your website to load slowly or simply take a longer time. Hence, constantly updating your website will go a long way to keep you up to par with modern technologies and consequently attract today's tech-savvy customers.

Wrap Up

You can't overlook the benefits of constantly updating your website—from ranking high in the search engines, providing a better user experience to mitigating cybercrime risks. Also, having modern and up-to-date features and looks earns your customers' trust as you demonstrate relevance and quality by keeping pace with the times.

Therefore, as a goal-oriented and success-driven business owner, you should watch out for any signals or signs showing that your website requires updates, including;

  • Bounce rate – the number of people who come to your website and then leave without visiting or clicking on another page. If the number is high, then it's high time you updated your website.
  • On-site time – how long or the amount of time people spend on your website.
  • Page loading time – the speed at which your website takes to load. We recommend that you insure it doesn't take more than five seconds since today's internet users lack the patience to wait.

And of course, search engine rankings, your website traffic, and perhaps conversions should give you an insight into how reliable and customer-oriented your website is. The bottom line is that you shouldn't let website updates hinder your efforts to increase brand reach.

If you want to learn more on how and when to update your website, schedule a free consultation with our brand growth strategist for reliable and actionable insights.

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